What is Lap Siding?
Lap siding is a type of siding that is installed horizontally. This is the most common and popular siding type. As the name suggests “lap” consists of one panel overlapping the other.
There are also many types of lap siding. Such as Clapboard Siding, Beaded Lap Siding, Dutch Lap, Shiplap Siding, and many. All of these siding types have their advantages and disadvantages. The owners use them in their own way.
Lap siding is just a style name or type of siding. Any material can be used for lap siding. Such as real wood (which is the most famous and expensive), aluminum, engineering wood, Fiber Cement, Vinyl, and many other materials. Day by day many companies are developing new siding materials.
Types of Lap Siding

1. Dutch Lap/Horizontal Lap Siding
Dutch lap siding came into vogue for the first time in 1880 and it is still preferred as a traditional. It is Attractive and classic in appearance as well as inexpensive.
Dutch siding comes in a wide range of colors and in many architectural styles. It is not only better in appearance but it is more durable and stable. Dutch Lap won’t easily scratch, scrape or peel off.
Due to its lightweight structure, it is easy to move, cut, and manipulate. It can be easily maintained and cleaned. If one of the panels is damaged, it can be easily replaced.
2. Beaded Lap Siding
Beaded lap has a thicker beard at the bottom of each piece. So that the shadow of the bottom can be easily seen on the lower panel. Which looks attractive. It is not as popular as Dutch Lap but it is used for a more decorative purpose.
Beaded lap siding is also installed like Dutch Lap. But its surface is more smooth and textured.
3. Clapboard Siding
Clapboard and Dutch Lap siding are very close to each other but not the same. It is commonly known as bevel siding and weatherboard. Like dutch lap siding, clapboard is also very popular. There is very little difference between these two.
The top surface of Dutch Lap siding is flat while the panel of clapboard has bulge and depth. This difference between the Dutch and clapboard can be easily seen.
If we talk about the similarity between both, then they are installed in the same way. It is most commonly used in America, Australia, and New Zealand.
4. Shiplap Siding
Shiplap siding has a flat surface like Dutch siding but a thin groove is formed between each board. In which the shadow of the top and bottom boards is formed.
The gaps between the two boards are generally kept small So that there is less chance of accumulation of dirt and dust.
In earlier times, mostly real wood was used for Shiplap Siding. But today many materials are available in the market, in many textures and colors. These materials are more durable.
It may take some time to clean it as there is a possibility of dust accumulation after a long time of use.
Lap Siding Pros

Low Maintenance
Once installed, lap siding requires low maintenance. It just needs cleaning once or twice a year depending on the weather and siding conditions.
Because dust starts to settle in between its boards’ gaps. No expert is needed to keep them clean. It can be easily cleaned with a garden hose. You can use a solution of bleach and water to clean it well.
If we talk about board replacement, then it can be easy to replace. This task is a bit tricky but not too difficult.
Easy installation
Wood siding could be a little difficult to install at first. Because solid wood took a long time to carve the pattern and edge for siding. Read wood siding pros and cons.
But now it’s so easy to do, companies already prepare readymade boards and panels. The constructor is required to install only.
Lap siding is a successful siding type. Its installation structure gives it durability and stability. The life span of lap siding also depends on the material used in it.
Experts believe that the lifespan of Vinyl lap siding is about 20 to 40 years. Whereas stone, wood, and aluminum siding have a longer life span. However, bad weather and humidity also affect the life span of siding.
Apart from durability and cost-effectiveness, lap siding is also known for its great appearance. In the US, lap siding protects more than 8,000,000 homes’ walls. Lap siding is very popular and it is increasing day by day.
Its overlapping boards give it a traditional look. A deep shadow is formed in the lower board of its upper boards. Which attracts everyone.
Lap siding has always been economical. There are many other materials available at much cheaper prices than wood and engineered wood such as vinyl.
However, real wood, aluminum siding are expensive and engineering wood siding can be slightly cost-effective. But the Vinyl Siding costs $1 – $8 (Cost Per Square Foot).
It is easier to install lap siding, it also requires fewer boards, which affects the cost of siding for large areas.
Materials for lap siding are available in hundreds of colors and textures. You can choose your favorite.
If we talk about the availability, then this lap siding is famous almost everywhere. It is very famous in the Northeast, Southwest, West, Southeast, and Midwest.
Although it is not very popular in Asia now. Hence siding board material is not available in a very wide range.
Good water-resistance
The structure of the lap siding is low to medium water-resistant. Its board’s installation pattern does not allow moisture and water to penetrate inside. Yes, but it is necessary that it has been installed correctly and sealed in the corner. We know that not all materials perform well in water but some engineering materials like Vinyl perform well.
Lap Siding Cons

Wall and roof siding are constantly exposed to sunlight and dust. In such a situation, it becomes lighter in color with time. However, some companies offer a warranty of around 5 to 10 years on their siding products.
Required Regular paint and Maintenance
Apart from lap siding, another siding also needs regular maintenance. Regular maintenance not only enhances durability but also preserves the beauty of the siding.
If you are choosing engineering material for lap siding then it needs regular painting and maintenance. Otherwise, it starts to rot.
Paint is a great option to protect direct sunlight and dust. This forms a layer between the boards and the external environment.
Insect Damage
In lap siding, dust can easily accumulate between two boards, so there is a possibility of insect breeding. If it is not repaired or clean at the right time then it rots the boards. Due to the overlapping of boards, rot is not detected quickly.
There is more possibility of rotting in wood lap siding. However, Treated wood can be the best option for wall and roof siding. The price of treated wood is higher than that of ordinary wood.