Red Pine vs White Pine | Their Uses, Workability, and Durability

Red Pine vs White Pine

White pine is softer than red pine. Red pines are reddish-brown and white pines are brown to reddish in color. Both species are easy to work with both hand and machine tools. Pine is not usually a rot-resistant wood, but the heartwood is rated as moderate to low in rot resistance. Pine requires regular care … Read more

Pine Wood Properties | Types of Pine Trees and Uses

Pine wood properties

Introductions Pine(Pinus) belongs to the family of trees known as conifers. Conifers are a group of cone-bearing seed plants. The leaves of pine are thin and have a needle-like appearance. It is usually found in a variety of locations in Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe. Pine trees are evergreen. Pine would be considered softwood. That means … Read more

Beech vs Pine Wood | Which is Best for Your Furniture?

Beech vs Pine Wood

Beech wood is more durable, stronger, and resistant than pine wood. Pine is a softwood that is an excellent choice for indoor furniture, Whereas beech is a hardwood and is a good choice for structural woodworking. Beech Wood Beech wood is a hardwood that comes from beech trees, which belong to the genus Fagus. It is … Read more